My take on the tetromino puzzle action concept.
- A classy aesthetic, featuring relaxing animated backgrounds as well as brand new music from composer Jerry Martin (The Sims, SimCity 3000) and pianist Juraj Stanik
- A system of mechanics designed to keep as much old school flavor as possible while modernizing what is necessary to allow for a consistent level of play
- A comprehensive scoring system that tests your ability to stack cleanly and quickly in a way more accurate than any game of this type, and whose skill ceiling reaches to no more and no less than absolute perfection
- A smooth speed curve whose progression is tied entirely to score; taken with the accuracy of the scoring system neither complete beginners nor seasoned experts should ever hit an insurmountable wall out of nowhere
- A grading system for tracking performance across multiple games, nominally based on the kyu/dan system of Go and Shogi, carefully organized to correspond to specific points in the speed curve
- A replay system with Pause, Frame Step, Rewind and Fast-Forward capabilities
Tromi is a game you can play every day for the rest of your life.
Get it here, for Windows, macOS and Linux, source code included: (259MB)
Check out the leaderboard and submit your scores:
Tromi Leaderboard
Tromi is purely a labor of love, and the author's motivation in creating it lies exclusively in his desire to see it exist. It is free of charge, free of advertising, free of monetization of any kind, free of DRM, and its source code is freely modifiable and redistributable under the terms of the GNU GPL version 3 or later. Tromi is free in all of these ways, for everyone, forever.
Donations for Tromi are not and never will be solicited, nor accepted, by the author.